New Book Reveals The Step by Step System To Get Freelance Dev Contracts

7 Steps To Build A Highly Profitable Business As A Web or App Developer

If you want to turn your experience as a developer into a real business, this will be the most important book you'll ever read.

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If you want to turn your experience as a web/app developer into a real business, this will be the most important book you'll ever read.

First, The Truth.

The results I'm sharing with you are not typical.

My clients and I have the benefit of over six years of trial and error. The system we are going to show you in this book is the product of our experience. 

The examples in this book are based on real results and real work. 

This is not another quick overnight fix …

This is not some cobbled together info that you have to figure out for yourself. 

Your own results depend on what you put in. 

No work ethic, no results. 

Business is always risky and requires taking action. 

You have to be consistent in your effort.

If you want to "make money the easy way" and not do any work at all…


What we are revealing in this book is not 'easy'’

With that being said …

It is very simple.

Let me show you how.

Get the book for $29 Just $5.80

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What's inside

The content of this book is completely different. It is a complete step by step guide to get freelance dev contracts on a daily basis.

This book does not contain any fillers because frankly, we know your time and our time is insanely valuable. 

We are getting into the exact details of what you need to do, how to do it and why it's necessary. 

It's an easy read as well.

We specifically designed it to not be a 500-page behemoth with tons of theory and highbrow language.

You can read it in one afternoon and implement right of the bat. 

You'll get our entire turnkey ready system my clients use to:

  • Get highly profitable freelance dev contracts on a monthly basis
  • The ultimate blueprint for getting freelance dev contracts without sounding like a used car salesman or being pushy
  • How to always charge what you’re worth instead of being stuck with low paying projects

I'm not some overnight success who became wealthy by using this one simple tool ...

Most of these online gurus will tell you some sort of sob story about how they found this one specific thing that allowed me to become wealthy overnight.

Sorry, that's not me.

I spend most of my time helping my clients to succeed.

My clients can set their own working hours.

They can work from wherever they want.

They build their own business.

No more answering to the "bossman".

No more dealing with annoying co-workers.

You can build your own team who you select.

But before I get into it ...

No, let’s turn back the clock.

In 2010 I started working for a software company that helped multinational corporations to optimize their conversion rates.

Sounds more glamorous than it actually was. 

In fact, I didn’t like this job at all, I was stuck in an office all day with no time to focus on my passion projects. 

I wanted to find a better way.

I wanted to be able to control my income instead of being limited by my paychecks. 

So I started to develop websites on the side. 

I got some clients cold calling, cold emailing and messaging people on Facebook.

It was my first foray into business. 

Getting clients was incredibly hard though.

Constant reaching out to potential clients …

People saying no to my services all the time …

Networking was incredibly time-consuming …

At the end of the day I was incredibly exhausted. 

My results were decent.

But this was not efficient at all.

I was on this constant treadmill of hustling for clients, sending out proposals 24/7 and being bogged down the delivery of the service. 

I had good months but I also had months with zero sales. 

It was a complete rollercoaster of emotions.

I didn't control my hours and I had no control over my income. 

It felt like I created another job with more hours than my office job.

It wasn't until 2015 when I figured out another way.

At that point, a lot of friends were asking me how to build a business.

Little did I know that this skill became incredibly in demand.

Once I figured how to consistently get dev contracts on a weekly basis I was able to build a system.

A lot of developers struggle with consistently signing profitable contracts. 

I have been there as well.

So have my mentoring clients. 

It's deceptively simple though. 

You fish in a pond with lots of hungry fish by using the right kind of bait. 

To use business terms …

You serve clients in proven niche and get contracts with a proven enrollment process. 

You probably have development experience. 

So servicing clients is the least difficult part. 

You can probably write code while you are sleeping. 

The contract getting part is the most difficult element. 

That's why we have our simple "Dev Contract Enrollment System."

And I describe everything in great detail inside the book.

Here is what's inside the book

  • The 5 principles of a highly profitable freelance dev business. Follow these and you'll unlock a flood of clients.
  • Why the market for dev contracts changed drastically in 2020 and how to take advantage of this unique shift in the marketplace
  • Discover the blueprint of your ideal clients to know exactly what to say to get a project contract
  • How to make sure that you can turn a one time contract into consistent work for your business
  • The ultimate blueprint for getting freelance dev contracts without sounding like a used car salesman or being pushy
  • How to position your services so you can actually work on projects you enjoy

How to Generate LEADS

  • How to predictably sign new highly profitable freelance contracts without chasing invoices.
  • Master the art of inbound proposals so clients will reach out to you and offer contracts
  • Position yourself as a preeminent authority so your clients will never negotiate you down on price
  • How to get well-paying freelance contracts even if you are at the beginning of your career as a developer
  • Our instant authority architecture that will net you, new dev clients, within days instead months
  • Know exactly what to say turn potential clients into solid contracts that will make your accountant happy
  • Getting payments upfront instead of chasing clients to settle your hourly invoices
  • Become more persuasive and influential when it comes to promoting your services
  • Predictability and consistency: Know exactly what to do in every situation so you have absolute certainty on which actions actually lead to more paid freelance contracts.
  • How to always charge what you’re worth instead of being stuck with low paying projects

And much more!

Here is what you have to do next

This book costs only $5.90 and you will receive it instantly.

Why $5.90 you may ask?

To be honest, I didn't think too much about it.

I don't want to be put into the same category like those 99c Kindle books that you'll never read and that gather digital dust on your phone.

This is also not a typical business book for $19.95 you pick off the shelf at an airport that contains a long drawn boring story or strange analogies with little to no practical insights.

I choose $5.90 to make it an absolute no brainer.

You'll get the book as PDF so you can read it on your computer, your phone or your tablet (You can even get it printed and bound if that tickles your fancy).

From my own experience, I prefer to get stuff instantly instead of waiting days or weeks for stuff to arrive in the mail.

So as soon as you order your book, you'll get an email with a download link right after your purchase.

Once you receive it, you can start to read it and implement it right away.

BONUS TRAINING: Top 2 Niches That Work The Best in 2020

In this training I will reveal to you the top 2 tech services that work the best to get high paying dev contracts.

No more guessing, no more wasting time on things that don't work.

Adjust what services you offer.

Get a stream of new potential clients who are looking for what you have to offer…

Straight into your inbox.

There is no catch!

You've probably experienced this before.

You bought something online and you thought it was a great deal…

But then your credit card gets charged month after month.

This is NOT such a program.

We don't have 'hidden continuity' or something similar.

A lot of the books you have read probably also left out specific information.

They left out this one thing you would actually need to get the results you're hoping for.

This isn't one of those books.

You'll get my proven system that hundreds of my clients use to this day.

To be fully transparent with you, I want to work with you in the future.

But I want you to get as much information as possible so you can make your own decisions.

This book is my way of giving you my best actionable information and delivering as much value as possible.

I hope that you enjoy the content, implement everything and that this will be the beginning of a longterm business relationship.

The Time Is Now

If I sell you this book at $5.90 I'm going into the red.

For every purchase I have to pay $25 in advertising costs for every book I sell.

You probably ask yourself: "Why is he doing that?"

I want to start off our business relationship the best way possible so we eventually will work together again in the future.

To be fully transparent, I have other products and services that might interest you.

My way of doing business is to be valuable first and offer you my best material inside of this book so you'll ask to get my other trainings that I offer.

Oh and one last thing.


In this group I'll share the latest tactics my clients are using to get clients.

I'll interview successful members who share their wins and learnings.

Plus I will share with you which platforms to focus on and reveal all of the best practices that will net you new clients.

My Guarantee To You

I want to make this a complete no brainer.

I will guarantee that you'll love this book and the BONUS or I'll return you the $5.90 and let you even keep the book and the training.

Yep you heard me right.

You don't have to return anything.

Just email me your receipt.

I'll give you your $5.90 with no questions asked.

Sound fair?

This is a limited offer, claim your copy now before it expires.

P.S. I know a lot you skip right to the bottom to find out how much this offer costs …

I'm offering you a 100 page book that shows you how to consistently get high paying freelance dev contracts on a weekly basis.

This book is only $5.90.

Inside of this book I will walk you through the step by step system that I created which allows all of my clients to have prospects reach out to them and ask if they want to do projects with them.

On top of that, I'm giving you "Top 2 Tech Services To Sell That Work The Best in 2020"

This is a very limited offer because it"s a marketing beta test.

There is no catch.This is not a 1$ trial, no monthly program or "hidden continuity" baked in.

If you don't like the book, just let me know and I'll give you your $5.90 back.

No questions asked.

You can keep the book too.

Claim your copy now. You won’t regret it.

P.S. I know a lot you skip right to the bottom to find out how much this offer costs …

I'm offering you a 100 page book that shows you how to consistently get high paying dev contracts on a weekly basis.

This book is only $5.80.

Inside of this book I will walk you through the step by step system that I created which allows all of my clients to have prospects reach out to them and ask if they want to do projects with them.

On top of that, I'm giving you "Top 2 Tech Services To Sell That Work The Best in 2020"

This is a very limited offer because it"s a marketing beta test.

There is no catch.This is not a 1$ trial, no monthly program or "hidden continuity" baked in.

If you don't like the book, just let me know and I'll give you your $5.80 back.

No questions asked.

You can keep the book too.

Claim your copy now.

You won’t regret it.


  • Is this method useful if you sell software, mobile apps or other types of dev services instead of websites?

  • Will the system work if you’re a junior developer or just learning?

  • Will the system work for people who know various programming languages like PHP, Ruby on Rails,...

  • Will the system work for people who already have a full time job?

Is this method useful if you sell software, mobile apps or other types of dev services instead of websites?

We recommend certain services to sell, however, many other services are also in demand. If you don’t choose to sell a service that we recommend, you’ll be able to sell almost any type of common dev service using the same system.

For example, if you sell something like websites, web apps are a natural progression to sell next.
